Ter Scott uses Jack Canfield's Success Principles to Teach Your Membership to Double Incomes

If you are here, thank you. You've most likely received a link in my email message on your website because your message box has a limit to the number of words or characters. (Or, you may be someone who "stumbled" upon this page via a web search and we certainly welcome you as well). 

This is a very special offer to businesses and organizations within a 200-mile radius of Duluth Minnesota. I am available to speak to a limited number of groups during the months of November and December 2018 at no fee in exchange to promote my half off pricing for my seminar workshops in January, February and March of 2019. I book out to at least 4 months in advance so dates in early 2019 are filling fast so please take action as soon as you can to be sure I can do this for you. 

NOTE: You do not have to have me appear at no fee to take advantage of the half off pricing for booking a Spring 2019 talk. Simply contact me and book it; there are only 10 spots available. 

Here's the "letter" you received. Please contact me with any questions you may have. 

Hello. My name is Terry (Ter) Scott. I’m The Life & Legacy Coach™ and The Bricks to Clicks Marketing Consultant™. I’m contacting you because I have something very exclusive, special and valuable for your organization’s membership.

My mentor Jack Canfield states that if you attend any of his seminars where he speaks about this formula, that if you only learn and remember this and not anything else, that you will have gotten far more than the price you invested to attend. I have limited availability to speak to groups such as (name) and will present a short version of this, on a no-fee basis.

This presentation for your group is an actual part of my half-day to two-day seminars and you and your members will find it invaluable to achieving their business and personal goals.  

There is no cost except to provide the meal when requesting to book me for an appearance at your group’s breakfast, luncheon or dinner meeting, except I strongly encourage you to provide a membership list which includes email addresses of your members so I can email them prior to attending, a worksheet that they complete in advance. I, of course, promise not to misuse the list in any way. This is exactly how I will use your membership list; I will contact all members and invite them to the meeting where I’ll present; include the valuable worksheet and let them know that I will be giving away a free book presenting these principles, which will increase their incomes and free time. (We’ve found that when my staff emails your membership in this way,  you will experience increased your attendance and at no cost to you). We will then email all on the list after my appearance and let them know of a very special pricing for my seminars (half price) if booked before March 31st, 2019 and other helpful products. 

Obviously, there are only so many dates and times that I have free to offer these no-fee presentations so if you are considering ways to increase value for your membership and increase membership, please contact me as soon as possible. I apologize in advance if your date is already taken.

Make it a great day!

Ter Scott! 

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